St Martin's Catholic Primary School
56-80 Princes Road, Greenacres SA 5086
Phone: 08 8211 2400
Out of School Hours Care Program
Phone: 08 8211 2443
If your child will be absent from school, please notify us by email:
Email -
Please reply to the absence notification text message once received.
At St Martin’s Catholic Primary School, we value feedback and are committed to providing a welcoming, positive and supportive environment for our students and members of the community.
If you have any positive experiences, suggestions, or concerns please contact St Martin’s through our designated feedback channels. This process provides us with the opportunity to strengthen relationships and work toward continuous improvement in the delivery of our services.
St Martin’s - Feedback and Complaints
Child’s Teacher – via email
Principal / Deputy Principal – Email: | Phone: 8211 2400
Catholic Education Office - Feedback and Complaints
If following a discussion with St Martin’s and your concerns or complaint have not been resolved, you can contact the Catholic Education Office.
South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools - Complaint Response and Resolution Procedure
Please click here to access the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools Complaint Response and Resolution Procedure.