The Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum provides the framework to teach children and young people from age 3 to Year 12. In an age appropriate way, to recognise abuse, talk to trusted adults and understand ways to keep themselves safe.
Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum is mandated in all Catholic schools in South Australia.
Our teachers undertake professional learning to implement the important area of curriculum.
More information can be found with the following links:
Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum information for parents are carers
Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide - Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy
At St Martin's, we recognise the uniqueness of every person, nurturing faith and wellbeing, and pursuing excellence in education. Our Behaviour and Personal Responsibility Policy supports the growth and development of each person, respecting their dignity, uniqueness and their relationship with others. Please click here to view the St Martin's Behaviour and Personal Responsibility Policy.
The development of personal responsibility at St Martin's is underpinned by Positive Behaviour Intervention Supports (PBIS), Restorative Practice, The Resilience Project, and the LearnWell framework. Please click here to view the St Martin's Behaviour Response Flow Chart.
Aligning with the Australian Curriculum, The Resilience Project is a whole school wellbeing program teaching and supporting positive mental health in the classroom, staffroom and wider community.
Centred on The Resilience Project's core principles - Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness, and Emotional Literacy - each lesson has been comprehensively scripted with fun and engaging journey activities, videos, and resources to enhance the wellbeing of our students.
Click here to learn more about The Resilience Project with practical tips, stories and inspiration for wellbeing, or download the Parent and Carer FAQ.
The Wellbeing Coordinator works closely with staff and students to lead a whole school approach to the development of personal responsibility and social and emotional learning, implementing The Resilience Project across Reception to Year 6. The Wellbeing Coordinator supports students with social and emotional needs analysing Classroom Pulse Check In data and referrals from teachers as well as supporting Restorative Practices to restore relationships across the school.
The School’s Wellbeing Coordinator is responsible for:
St Martin's Catholic Primary School employs a part-time School Counsellor. The School Counsellor works in partnership with students, teachers and parents/caregivers to enhance students’ social and emotional wellbeing.
The counselling is child-focused and informed by the needs, goals and developmental level of the student. It is a voluntary process that takes place in a one-on-one setting at the school. A referral is required with forms available from the Front Office.
The Counsellor is committed to working respectfully and collaboratively with students, parents/caregivers and teachers in ways that build on students’ individual strengths, offering support and information on:
The school Chaplain works in partnership with students, teachers and parents/caregivers to enhance students’ social and emotional wellbeing.
The school Chaplain is responsible for:
Mental Health Issues and Conditions - Beyond Blue
Mental Health Support - Beyond Blue
Growing a Mentally Healthy Generation - Beyond Blue
Communication and Relationships - Beyond Blue
Social and Emotional Learning - Beyond Blue
Wellbeing and Stress Management - Beyond Blue
Online Safety - South Australian Department for Education
Cyberbullying - eSafety Commissioner
Cyber Safety Project -
eSafety -
Common Sense Media -
Australian Council for Computers in Education -
The Carly Ryan Foundation -
Beyond Blue | 1300 224 636 |
SANE Australia | 1800 187 263 |
Kids Helpline | 1800 551 800 |
Lifeline Australia | 13 11 14 |