Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Our Parish, which comprises the churches of St Martin’s and St Monica’s, will be conducting an Alpha Program commencing May this year.
In the spirit of developing the relationship between School and Parish, we are inviting parents to consider being part of this program.
Our Alpha will comprise one evening, 7 to 9 pm over 9 weeks. It is a very fun and relaxed environment where we gather in groups of 10 or so. We enjoy a provided meal, watch a video that explores important life issues and then share our thoughts on the video topic.
The outcome of attending Alpha can be amazing. It promotes friendship and importantly increases our relationship with Jesus.
We are mindful that it is often the Catholic School that nurtures the love of Jesus within our children and feel the inclusion of parents in our Alpha will be fruitful.
For further information, please contact Reg Nye 0417 892 339 or Rebecca at the Parish office 8267 6200 (Monday, Wednesday and Thursday)