Catholic Education South Australia
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Advent is a special time of the year when we can prepare and wait with great anticipation for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The season of Advent begins this week and continues through the four Sundays of Advent and ends on Christmas Eve.



As I write this newsletter on Tuesday, 23rd November, I hear the unfamiliar sound of a plane flying overhead.

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Sport News


A Year 2-3 Kanga Cricket Team is playing this term. Information and fixture information has been distributed to students. Games are held at Prospect Oval on Friday evenings at 5:30pm. Please check the fixtures and arrive by 5:15pm to promptly start.

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Premier's Reading Challenge 2021

It is with great delight that I announce that 100% of our students completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2021. Thank you to all our teachers, students and parents who worked hard supporting the students in completing the Challenge.  A huge thank you goes to Wendy Hill for organising the Challenge this year. Our Transition class will begin their Challenge in 2022.

This is the 18th year of the Premier’s Reading Challenge here in South Australia. It has been a record-breaking year with 695 schools in South Australia completing the Challenge.

I look forward to another great year in 2022.

We had a total of 542 students attain awards which included the following:

CERTIFICATES                 105

BRONZE MEDAL                85

SILVER MEDAL                 111

GOLD MEDAL                     91

CHAMPION MEDAL            62

LEGEND MEDAL                 57


Helen Young

Leader of Learning



As we head into the liturgical season of Advent this weekend, may we try to find some time to prepare and think about the sacred and magical birth of Jesus.

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Credit Union SA - SA Icons Facebook Gift Basket

“Entry is now open for the exclusive School Community Rewards giveaway! Simply go to the Facebook post below, tag yourself and you are in the draw to win!”

Please click here for more information.







St Martin’s Catholic Primary School students competed in the International Competition Assessment for Schools (ICAS), which over a million students from around the world participated in. The competition is designed to recognise and reward academic excellence and St Martin’s students sat the Maths, English, Science, Digital Technologies and Spelling tests. Congratulations to all students who participated in the ICAS tests in 2021. We are proud of all of you!

At our last school assembly, all ICAS students were asked to stand and be recognised for their achievements. Students who achieved higher awards including Merits, Credits, and Distinctions were presented with their awards in front of the school.

Overall, we received: 13 Merits, 45 Credits and 17 Distinctions.

Two students were also the recipients of a very prestigious ICAS Medal.

A huge congratulations to Juliette Knighton and Akhil Jeremiah who both received a medal in the Spelling ICAS test. This medal puts them at the very top of the results across South Australia and Northern Territory. A truly fantastic achievement!

A big thank you to everyone who took part in ICAS this year!

Dylan George

(ICAS Coordinator)