Catholic Education South Australia
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Celebrating our Cultural Day Liturgy


Leadership News

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Our Stage 1 Building Project is progressing well with the first floor being installed last week. This week work has commenced on the stairwells and roof. Over the next three weeks, the entire Sweeney building will be undergoing some renovations and modifications to align it with the new two storey building. All Reception classes and OSHC are being relocated to enable all the spaces to be painted and recarpeted over the coming weeks. A special note has already been sent out to affected Reception families and OSHC have advised parents of specific details associated with their child’s classroom.


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Sports News

SAPSASA Carnivals

Congratulations Mary-Jo and Tom who last week represented Adelaide North East at SAPSASA Netball and Football Carnivals.


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Reminder that Term 3,  resumes on Tuesday, 23 July.  Come and join us for a coffee.

End of Term 2  (Friday, 5 July) dismissal time is 12.30pm.

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Feast of the Sacred Heart – 28 June 2019

Tomorrow we will celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  We are expecting approximately 200 Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 students and staff from OLSH (Our Lady of the Sacred Heart) College.  We will celebrate Mass together along with class activities and shared fruit recess.  Thanks to Tony & Marks for donating the fruit for our shared recess and Lilly Del Medico for organising the delivery of it.  Also special thanks to the P& F Network for arranging the fruit for all of our students.

This is a very special day for both schools where we come together to celebrate our shared OLSH charism. 



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St Martin's Instrumental Music Night

You are welcome to join our St Martin's Instrumental Students at their Music Night performance on Tuesday, 2 July 6.30pm to 7.30pm in the Community Centre.

All welcome!

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Our Reception to Year 2 students will be displaying some of the work they have created in Art classes this semester.

You are all welcome to come in and view our beautiful Art work, from Monday, 1st July to Wednesday, 3rd July, 8.20am - 8.40am in the Art room.

Helen Williams

Art Teacher